Microsoft Graph

Microsoft Graph or Azure AD Graph

While looking into Azure Graph API I learned there were two possible options to query Office 365 objects one with Microsoft Graph API and the other with Azure AD Graph API. So what is the difference and which should I use.

Microsoft Graph API and Azure AD Graph API are two different set of services each with its own unique end-point for querying Office 365 users and organization’s information.

Microsoft Graph API points to while Azure AD Graph API points to

According to a blog published by Microsoft Office 365 Developer team, Microsoft Graph supports most of the directory features that Azure AD Graph supports, but not all. On the other hand, there are features in Microsoft Graph not found in Azure AD Graph. However, Microsoft strongly recommends developers to user Microsoft Graph over Azure AD Graph.

Microsoft is planning to close the gaps between Microsoft Graph and Azure AD Graph, at some point in the future they are expecting Microsoft Graph to be more feature rich than Azure AD Graph.

In conclusion developers should use Microsoft Graph where possible and only use Azure AD Graph where functions maybe missing for the time being. 

You can read more about it on Microsoft Office 365 Developer Blog